Good! good! good-stuff happening 'down under' this week - truly tops!
At last the full bench of the High Court made it plain to 'one & all' that if you're planning on removing someone's liberty it has to be done 'lawfully'. Dodgy 'non-solutions' involving dodgy non-ministers & dodgy non-laws are no longer going to cut it in 'our place' anymore - YAY!...about time!
Another validating 'thumbs up' emanating from that highest court in our land, determined that a former university student's "youth allowance payments as a student were assessable and expenses incurred in gaining that income were deductible" - YAY!...whoop-di-doo for students!
...and today it was the Newtown Festival - brilliant! brilliant! brilliant! - in fact I'm told it's been 29 years of brilliance!
* warm sun
* quirky shopping
* fabulous music
* chilled wine
* spicy food
* sensational siestas
...oh, why are fun-days always so short?...sigh....
But hang-on, me, there's more...I need not 'fear-not'!!!
...tomorrow the Bicycle Film Festival 'kicks-off- (or 'pushes-off' or 'whatever-off' bicycle film festivals do) with their 'Pre-Stuff' stuff at the Beresford Hotel, Surrey Hills - can't wait!!
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