Sun / wine / beer / jaunts on bicycles...but most importantly...Marc (& Lauren) from
"Amsterdamize" - bliss!!!
Totally brilliant to finally meet up with this most
'famous blogger of all time'! ...and while away a perfect Sunday afternoon over a few drinks overlooking one of the many beautiful Amsterdam canals...
...and of course chatting with Marc and Lauren only served to highlight the ridiculous situation we find ourselves in Australia today.
Despite the endless Aussie discourse on
'matters-cycling' we are so far removed from the everyday beauty of Amsterdam-cycling. If we want to achieve their transport karma, we need to cleanse our minds of unhelpful labels such as
'I'm a cyclist', or
'I'm going on a 2 hour cycle ride two weekends from now round Centennial Park' (whoop-de-doo!), because until we reach that parallel mental state we can never presume we're either cyclists or have cycling culture.
Here on the ground in Amsterdam, there is no equivalent australian 'cycling-hoop-la' because hopping on a bicycle is a
'non-event'! Seriously it's no
'big deal'; it's not
'clever', it's not
'dangerous', it's not
'cool' - it's
'just done' - and you
'just do it' because you
'just do it'...
...and what's more you
'just do it' from 'cradle-to-grave'!
Notwithstanding the above, it was so
'cool' meeting Marc and Lauren - it was an uber
'big deal' and I'm mighty glad we
'just did it'!!!
So until next time, a million thanks, Marc, Lauren,
"Amsterdamize" & Amsterdam! - see you later :) x