My quest for civil liberties has revealed some very special 'comrades-in-arms', and it has been surreal meeting fellow 'cyber-cycleteers' such as film-maker, Mike Rubbo and expert specialist anaesthetist, Dr Paul Martin (above).
So now I am barely able to contain my excitement about meeting more comrades, and most conveniently for me, an opportunity is looming on the horizon which will potentially provide that chance!
Leading on from the submissions submitted to the StaySafe Committee's Inquiry into Vulnerable Road Users, the Honourable Mr Geoff Corrigan MP, Chair, has extended an invitation to me & anors to attend a public hearing of the Committee to give evidence based on our submissions - as luck would have it some of the proposed invitees are 'cyber-cycleteers'!
How exciting!!!!
Accordingly, and with profuse apologies to Irvin Berlin, I've been busy planning the logistics of my journey...
"The Parliament has asked me up to tea-ee...
But how am I to get there, oh sir-ee, oh sir-ee?...
I could walk up Macquarie Street, but I haven't got the time,
I could drive up Macquarie Street, but there's always such a line,
I could ride on the tramlines, but they ripped them up, oh yeah!
So I'll bike up Macquarie Street, yes I'll bike up Macquarie Street,
Oh! I'll bike up Macquarie Street till I'm there!"
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