Wonderful! wonderful! Clover Moore! and her wonderful! wonderful! 'copenhageny' announcements!
With any luck, her visionary planning will position us so we can neatly 'side-step' the sort of congestion issues that are currently causing some grief in Bejing:
"Thousands of drivers on the Beijing-Tibet Expressway just outside the Chinese capital have been snared by roadworks since 14 August - and the disruption is expected to last well into September. The tail-backs stretch for a mind-boggling 100km and 400 police officers have been assigned to the area to quell rising tensions, with roadside vendors said to be charging exorbitant prices for tea and noodles. Meanwhile, drivers resigned to their fate are reported to be passing the time with games of chess or cards. Some have requested concerts be performed on roadside verges." (The Guardian Weekly, 03.09.10)
Oh la! la! - hard to imagine!
Meanwhile back in our evolving 'bicycle nirvana', the mainstream media has been all over it this weekend - yes indeedy! with mouth-watering reports coming out of Amsterdam yesterday, and Background Briefing's lengthy 'Bicycle-Helmet-Law' report this morning.
Talk about 'paradigm shifts' (may I, Bob?) - they're shifting big time - YAY!!!
This article was published in the Melbourne 'Age' also. It was great to read such a well researched, balanced and insightful argument on the whole bike riding/ helmet issue for a change.
...all in all, exciting times, Ian!!