
Thursday, November 15, 2012

'Off your bike, curly!'

(Police bicycle - Justice & Police Museum)

Late this afternoon; Park Street, CBD, Sydney...

Motor bike police doing a 'Tour of Duty' consequently booking hapless young male mo-ped rider for 'motabikey' things, simultaneously spotting young male cyclist sans helmet; hauls him over too and then sees me right behind...

'No helmet? - get off your bike, curly'


'That mop of hair's not going to protect you - you need a helmet'

'They're bad for my health'

'What? your bike and walk'

'How long do I have to walk for?'

'Until you get a helmet'

'Well that's never going to happen'

'What? - walk'

...sigh! I did...well briefly...until the pedestrian lights when I hopped back on to finish 'Park,' quickly do 'College' and 'Oxford' streets to arrive at the Chauvel (bestest of cinemas), just in time for 'Les géants'!

Such a shame we're so wanton with our resources Down-Under


  1. If the police cannot deploy their resources for socially useful purposes, then funding for the police should be cut accordingly.

  2. As I understand it, the AUS bike helmet law was the result of some hysterical nanny-mom who shrilled about people DYING w/o a helmet; can't believe the GOV fell for that old myth.

    Considering the similarities of history of AUS and USA (colonized as Brit 'dumping grounds'), I'm pleasantly surprised the police have so much free time to DO this. They sure don't in the "land of the Free"....

    1. It sure is a waste of tax payers' money when we go after unhelmeted cyclists!
