I'm enveloped in an aura somewhat reminiscent of
Groundhog Day!!
According to phone call I have just retrieved from my mobile, the gorgeous police from yesterday have decided to book me after all - & to that effect, my infringement ticket is in the post & winging its way to my 'daisy-painted' post box at the top of the drive!
'Whoop-de-do', 'here we go again', let the 'hustle & bustle' begin!!
FIRST-UP - THE TO-DO LIST1. dust off old subs
2. find some new ones for curial interest!
3. write to:
- (i) ACCC & complain about 'safety-washing'
- (ii) Minister Borger, transport 'pooh-bah' till March, & complain about 'state negligence'
- (iii) The Hon. George Souris, my local member, & check what he's going to do for me
4. ring ABC & chat to Mike Pritchard (he's been busting to know how everything's progressing - now's the time to tell him!!!)
5. dry-clean suit
...and last but not least, logistically speaking, keep you all constantly posted!!