
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Voilà ... Velo City 2015 à Nantes

So here we are, another year, another country, this time on the edge of the Loire river ... how will it all pan out?

Another talk fest?

Quick glance at the programme shows it to be jam packed with presenters (hopefully there'll be the odd bicycle as well along with the odd 'take-home message' or two).

Nantes, very pretty, very quiet ... found nice jazz bar but sinking feeling seeped into me and my drink as friendly barman shared how he thought there ought to be a law in France compelling cyclists to wear helmets ...

'putain' ... c'est incroyable


  1. M#rde. Qu'est-ce qu'il pense?

  2. Barman please note, it's your job to *listen* to customers, not give advice - that's the job of taxi drivers.

  3. Barman please note, it's your job to *listen* to customers, not give advice - that's the job of taxi drivers.
