
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Cheltenham - helmet-law free

In dear old Blighty I feel so far away from the Land of 'YouMustWearBicycleHelmets' ...

But not far enough away from the reach of attendant Australian court costs ...

... which are as follows ...

1. Fine.....................................$50.00 (knew that!)

2. Costs...................................$85.00 (news to me!)

3. Witness expenses...................$0.00 (phew!)

4. Compensation........................$0.00 (that's a relief ...)

5. Prosecution costs...................$0.00 (... ditto ditto)

6. Victims Compensation Levy..$71.00 (I'm sorry? ... there's a victim? ... who exactly?)

GRAND TOTAL $206.00 (pointless, Australia, pointless)

But what I want to know is this ... do I have to pay by October 17, as Australia demands, if I've lodged an appeal?

I would have thought not but just to be sure ...

... thoughts anybody, I can't remember ... SIGH


  1. I thought the Victims Compensation Levy was no longer applicable - that they had amended the act a couple of years ago so that it no longer applied to victimless crimes. What is going on here ? Gross incompetence or petty vindictiveness ?

    1. I've been told by unfit fools in the clutches of industrial disease that by not wearing a helmet I will burden them with my health costs when my head is stove in and I am sucking oatmeal through a straw. Maybe they are the victims? They certainly seem to have a victim mentality - geez I just hate this nonsense - I'm so glad I spend most of my cycling time outside of Helmetstralia.

    2. This is Australia ... disappointing stuff and such a waste of public monies

  2. Oh Sue - we had a meeting of Freestyle Cyclists the Sunday after you went to court and we were so upset to hear how you didn't get a fair hearing and I personally have to say how p!ssed off I am to see you got that stupid victim costs against you again . . .

    Kudos for continuing the fight!!! We respect and appreciate your activism and energy!

    Kind regards
    Jamie K
    Anonymous only to prevent trolls impacting my career....

    1. Thanks, Jamie, and to all of you for your support!

  3. The answer is no. You do not have to pay while your appeal is on foot. Those orders are stayed pending the appeal.

    See section 63 of the Crimes (Appeal and Review) Act.

    1. Thanks, Edward, I'll pop that in an email to the fining-power-that-be straight away!!!

  4. Sue, I think that regarding the Victims Compensation Levy, in fact You are the victim in this case, by the way the nazi government is treating you. So to recalculate your fine:

    Minus Victims Compensation Levy - given to yourself as you are the victim...MINUS-$71

    New Grand Total...$64

    God bless you - you are a legend.
