
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Criminally convicted of Australian bicycle helmet crime

(Photos: me & dear pal outside Court, taken by friendly policeman)

Downing Centre, Thursday:

Guilty of Australian bicycle helmet crime.

My argument that I was operating in self-defence was unheeded.

I have lodged an appeal

Stay tuned ...

... more detail in next couple of days!


  1. Waiting with baited breath! So glad you had moral support with you!

  2. Moi aussi! This is utterly ludicrous, as well as anti-cycling.

    À vélo, citoyens!

  3. This is why I wear a damn helmet when riding a bike in Australia - I admire you that you stick to your principles and if the day comes that the stupid law is repealed then I will thank you for helping to make it happen.

    I am going to print anti-MHL stickers for people to put on their helmets at Velo-City 2014. If anyone has any catchy phrases then I would be interested in hearing them
