Dear European Cyclists' Federation,
In between two more criminal bicycle helmet convictions received last Friday in person from the Scone Local Court and this past Monday via telelink from the Adelaide Magistrates' Court, there were bubbles, bread and cheese for our beautiful BN2 and her beautiful fiancé!
And thank 'whoever-is-your-favourite-mythological-entity' for that because somewhat depressingly the premise emanating out of the Scone and Adelaide Courts is that climate change is still too far removed to be a threat, and that not using a helmet is a social choice which in turn is a preference inconsistent with the law, and therefore all things considered I am still guilty of riding a bicycle without a helmet.
Now whilst the Scone Local Court heard my matter and delivered a verdict and a sentence all on the same day, the Adelaide Magistrates' Court took two months to reach Monday's guilty verdict and now plans to take another six weeks to work out a sentence for which I must appear in person to receive it on Monday 7 December ... admittedly I am overseas for November and that may have had some bearing on the time frame, but still this will have been almost 19 months since I was booked back in May 2014 before the Adelaide VeloCity 2014 conference commenced.
You really ought not to have given Adelaide the conference when you were dishing them out ... any Australian city for that matter!
None of our cities or towns deserved it!
We were and still are not fit to hold such a bicycle event of the Velo City calibre ... never have been, never will be ... well, certainly not if we carry on as we have been for the past 24 years since mandatory helmet laws were introduced.
We are completely feral as far as cycling is concerned, and we have been for a very long time.
You must have known this!
What a waste of a conference opportunity and what a waste of everybody's time and effort - it was utterly pointless awarding Australia such a prestigious bicycle meeting.
Adelaide let you down ... well, you let yourselves down by taking 'anybody's' (in this case Adelaide's) money ...
... and meanwhile long after the party has finished and moved on, I am still being hammered for cycling without a helmet back at the start of that VeloCity14.
And next Monday on the day I fly out of Australia to visit my family in England, I'm to be interviewed ...
YES INTERVIEWED ... by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) for cycling to Domestic Airport on a bicycle without a helmet ...
... just imagine, I'm to be interviewed for a traffic offence ...
... just imagine, I'm to be interviewed for riding a bicycle without wearing a helmet ...
... just imagine, I'm to be interviewed in an unknown room somewhere at Kingsford Smith International Airport and I've been invited to bring along a lawyer or a friend.
Not only did we not deserve the VeloCity conference back in May 2014, but in my opinion until mandatory helmet laws are repealed Australian delegates should not to be allowed to attend any future VeloCity events.
Tough I know, but notwithstanding all the 'VeloCity-conference-attending' by Australian academics and Australian traffic engineers and Australian 'you-name-them-and-they-attend' attendees, cycling is only getting worse in Australia ... not better.
I am feeling crushed ... and I am wondering, will I one day end up in gaol as a result of this bicycle campaign of mine?
Kind regards,
Sue (Freedom Cyclist)
Please keep fighting the good fight. You inspire me to battle on in my own patch (Canberra) against all the zealots, Luddites and bogans on MHLs.
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