(Image: Scott Stoll, 2010, YouTube "Falling Uphill")
Right just now I feel a little like the proverbial filling in the sandwich of life ...
... the joys of being 'une dame d'un certain âge' I suppose.
So things have been a little quiet on the blogging front ... and when I think about it, on the 'Adelaide' mail front too re bicycle-helmet-matters!
Hmmm, so far with Adelaide issue:
* no court attendance notices, or,
* any other South Australian correspondence
... have appeared in my mailbox meaning I'm still waiting to hear whether Adelaide is going to prosecute me for that wicked Australian crime of riding a bicycle without a helmet!
Anyhoo, notwithstanding any of above, I came across this inspiring YouTube bicycle film today, made by Scott Stoll a few years back, so very beautifully done in a quick visual montage synopsis ...
Bonne observation!